Saturday, July 26, 2008

WebAnywhere assists blind people to access the web

According to, WebAnywhere is a web-based screen reader for the web. It requires no special software to be installed on the client machine and, therefore, enables blind people to access the web from any computer they happen to have access to that has a sound card. Blink people can use computers in university labs, library kiosks, or personal laptops to access the web with WebAnywhere.

A sample of WebAnywhere in an IE browser,

The following video demonstrates how WebAnywhere assists blind people to assess the web:

Question: Why is WebAnywhere better than other screen reader programs?
Answer: WebAnywhere is free and is compatible with almost all computers, operating systems, and web browsers. It requires no software installation, no mobile devices, and it is easy to use.
Now, do you want to try WebAnywhere? Click this link,, and you will be brought to the webanywhere program.
You may want to read the full document about webanywhere. Click this link,, and you will download the full document.
All information and pictures come from the official WebAnywhere website,

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